Computer Organization

January 28, 2023

How to Assembly by Tonkaew

Creating Label

int func1() { }


  • movq src, dest


mov $6, %rdi ; regis rdi = 6 mov $0x4000, %rdi ; regis rdi = 0x4000 mov $6, (%rdi) ; meme mem[0x4000] = 6
  • Type of movq

    • 5(%rdi) = mem[%rdi + 5]
    • (%rdi, %rsi) = mem[%rdi + %rsi]
    • (%rax, %rdi, %rsi) = mem[%rax + (%rdi * %rsi)]
    • (%rax, %rdi, 4) = mem[%rax + (4 * %rdi)]
    • 5(,%rdi,%rsi) = mem[5 + (%rdi * %rsi)]
  • movl (long)

  • movq (words)

Arithmatics instruction

  • adds src, dest ; dest = dest + src


; %rdi = 5 ; %rsi = 4 addq %rdi, %rsi ; %rsi = 4 + 5 = 9
  • subq src, dest
  • imulq src, dest
  • salq: Shift Arithmatic Left
  • shlq: Shift Logic Left
  • sarq: Shift Arithmatic Right
  • shrq: Shift Logic Left
  • xorq src, dest
  • andq src, dest
  • orq src, dest
  • incq dest ; increase, dest = dest + 1
  • decq dest ; decrese, dest = dest - 1
  • negq dest ; negative, dest = -1 * dest
  • notq dest ; not, dest = ~dest

Convert C <=> Assembly

int fun1(int a) { return a; }
fun1: movs %rdi, %rax
int fun2(int a, int b) { return a + b; }
fun2: movs %rdi, %rax ; return = a adds %rsi, %rax ; return = a + b
  • jmp
.l1: ... jmp .L2 .. .. .l2: ... .final: ...

Condition flags

  • ZF Zero
  • OF Overflow
  • SF Signed
  • CF Carry


  • testq src2, src1
  • src2 & src1 == 0 ZF = 1
  • src2 & src1 < 0 SF 1


; %rdi = 0 testq %rdi, %rdi ; ZF 1 ; SF 0 ; %rdi = 1 testq %rdi, %rdi ; ZF 0 ; SF 0

adds 0b1111 + 0b0001 0b0000 CF = 1 ZF = 0


  • cmpq a, b example.
cmpq a, b je ; jump if a == b jne ; jump if a != b js ; jump if (b - a) is negative jns ; jump if (b - a) is not negative jg ; jump if b > a jge ; jump if b >= a jl ; jump if b < a jle ; jump if b <= a
int func3(int a, int b) { if(a > b) { // b < a return a; // L1 } else { return b; // L2 } }
func3: cmpq %rdi, %rsi ; compare a, b jl L1 L2: movs %rsi, %rax jmp finally L1: movs %rdi, %rax finally: ...
movq (%rdi), %rax ; %rax = mem[%rdi] leaq %rax, (%rdi) ; mem[%rdi] = %rax ; rdi = 0x4000 0000 movq 4(%rdi), %rax ; %rax = mem[0x4000 0004] laeq 4(%rdi), %rax ; %rax = 0x4000 0004
// sums n * (n + 1) / 2 int func1(int a) { int b = 0; while(a != 0) { a -= 1; b += a; } return b; }
func1: movq $0, %rbx ; %rbx = 0 = b movq %rbx, %rax ; %rax = b = 0 ; not exists in C loop: testq %rdi, %rdi ; test a je endLoop ; if a == 0, jump to endLoop subq $1, %rdi ; %rdi -= 1; a -= 1; addq %rdi, %rax ; %rax += %rdi; b += a; jmp loop endLoop: ret

Stacks %rsp: stack pointer ,%rbp: base pointer

  • pushq ; push into stacks
  • popq ; pop out off stacks
  • call; call function, push current pc + 1 intp stacks
  • ret ; pop, and set pc to that data

Branch / Jump

  • jmp: jump without condition
  • je: jump equal or zero
  • jne: jump not equal or not zero
  • js: jump negative (signed)
  • jns: jump not negative (signed)
  • jg: jump greater
  • jge: jump greater or equal
  • jl: jump less
  • jle: jump less or equal
  • ja: jump above (~CF & ~ZF)
  • jb: jump below (CF)


  • ส่วนของ Computer
    • CPU
      • ALU
      • Bus
      • Cache
      • Register
    • Memory

function in C, arguments (int a, int b, ...); -> %rdi %rsi %rdx %rcx %r8 %r9

in c return x; in asm %rax

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