Data structure - Hash table
August 22, 2023
รวมโค้ด Hash table
- Close hashing (Open address) - Linear probing
#include <iostream> using namespace std; #define HASH_SIZE 10 // ข้อมูล class Data { public: long std_id; string val; }; // Hash table: get, put, remove class Hash { private: Data *arr[HASH_SIZE]; bool is_removed[HASH_SIZE]; int hash(long std_id) { return std_id % HASH_SIZE; } public: // Contructor Hash() { for (int i = 0; i < HASH_SIZE; i++) { arr[i] = NULL; is_removed[i] = false; } } void put(long std_id, string val) { Data *new_data = new Data(); new_data->std_id = std_id; new_data->val = val; // real whang if (arr[hash(std_id)] == NULL) { arr[hash(std_id)] = new_data; is_removed[hash(std_id)] = false; return; } // try to find empty spot int i = 1; while (arr[hash(std_id) + i] != NULL) { i += 1; } arr[hash(std_id) + i] = new_data; is_removed[hash(std_id) + i] = false; } string get(long std_id) { if (arr[hash(std_id)] == NULL && is_removed[hash(std_id)] == false) return "-"; // First found if (arr[hash(std_id)] != NULL && arr[hash(std_id)]->std_id == std_id) { return arr[hash(std_id)]->val; } // try to find empty spot int i = 1; while (arr[hash(std_id) + i] != NULL || is_removed[hash(std_id) + i] == true) { if (arr[hash(std_id) + i]->std_id == std_id) break; i += 1; } if (arr[hash(std_id) + i] == NULL) return "-"; return arr[hash(std_id) + i]->val; } void remove(long std_id) { if (arr[hash(std_id)] == NULL && is_removed[hash(std_id)] == false) return; if (arr[hash(std_id)] != NULL && arr[hash(std_id)]->std_id == std_id) { arr[hash(std_id)] = NULL; is_removed[hash(std_id)] = true; return; } int i = 1; while (arr[hash(std_id) + i] != NULL || is_removed[hash(std_id) + i] == true) { if (arr[hash(std_id) + i] != NULL && arr[hash(std_id) + i]->std_id == std_id) break; i += 1; } if (arr[hash(std_id) + i] == NULL) return; arr[hash(std_id) + i] = NULL; is_removed[hash(std_id) + i] = true; } void display_all() { for (int i = 0; i < HASH_SIZE; i++) { if (arr[i] == NULL) { cout << "(-1,-)" << endl; continue; } cout << "(" << arr[i]->std_id << "," << arr[i]->val << ")" << endl; } } }; int main() { Hash hash; char cmd; cin >> cmd; long std_id; string val; while (cmd != 'e') { if (cmd == 'a') { cin >> std_id >> val; hash.put(std_id, val); } else if (cmd == 's') { cin >> std_id; cout << hash.get(std_id) << endl; } else if (cmd == 'r') { cin >> std_id; hash.remove(std_id); } else if (cmd == 'd') { hash.display_all(); } cin >> cmd; } return 0; }
- Open hashing (Close address / Seperate chaining)
#include <iostream> using namespace std; #define HASH_SIZE 10 class Node { public: long std_id; string name; Node *next; Node() { next = NULL; } }; class Hash { private: Node *arr[HASH_SIZE]; int hash(long std_id) { return std_id % HASH_SIZE; } public: Hash() { for (int i = 0; i < HASH_SIZE; i++) { arr[i] = NULL; } } void display_all() { for (int i = 0; i < HASH_SIZE; i++) { if (arr[i] == NULL) { cout << "(-1 , -)" << endl; continue; } Node *tmp = arr[i]; while (tmp->next != NULL) { cout << "(" << tmp->std_id << " , " << tmp->name << ") "; tmp = tmp->next; } cout << "(" << tmp->std_id << " , " << tmp->name << ")" << endl; } } void put(long std_id, string val) { Node *new_node = new Node(); new_node->std_id = std_id; new_node->name = val; if (arr[hash(std_id)] == NULL) { arr[hash(std_id)] = new_node; return; } Node *tmp = arr[hash(std_id)]; while (tmp->next != NULL) { tmp = tmp->next; } tmp->next = new_node; } string get(long std_id) { if (arr[hash(std_id)] == NULL) return "-"; if (arr[hash(std_id)]->std_id == std_id) return arr[hash(std_id)]->name; Node *tmp = arr[hash(std_id)]; while (tmp != NULL) { if (tmp->std_id == std_id) break; tmp = tmp->next; } if (tmp == NULL) return "-"; return tmp->name; } void remove(long std_id) { if (arr[hash(std_id)] == NULL) return; if (arr[hash(std_id)]->std_id == std_id) { arr[hash(std_id)] = arr[hash(std_id)]->next; return; } Node *tmp = arr[hash(std_id)], *before_tmp = NULL; while (tmp != NULL) { if (tmp->std_id == std_id) break; before_tmp = tmp; tmp = tmp->next; } if (tmp == NULL) { return; } before_tmp->next = tmp->next; } }; int main() { Hash hash; char cmd; cin >> cmd; long std_id; string name; while (cmd != 'e') { if (cmd == 'a') { cin >> std_id >> name; hash.put(std_id, name); } else if (cmd == 's') { cin >> std_id; cout << hash.get(std_id) << endl; } else if (cmd == 'r') { cin >> std_id; hash.remove(std_id); } else if (cmd == 'd') { hash.display_all(); } cin >> cmd; } return 0; }